$X is the ticker, Kiki is the name

History of $X, a KIKI logo

Like a canary in a coal mine, the little blue bird silhouette that embodied Twitter’s brand for well over a decade officially croaked yesterday as Elon Musk foisted the letter 𝕏 on us, signifying that the worst has yet to come. Things were already off to a poor start for the new logo when Musk jumped the gun by having the old emblem removed from the exterior of Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters, allegedly without a permit for street closure. (The San Francisco Police Department told Hyperallergic that “no crime was committed, and this incident was not a police matter.”)




100% LP is burnt forever
The KIKI smart contract has 0% tax on buys and 0% tax on sells.
The total supply of $X is 50,000,000 since 50% is burnt.
CA: 0xedd5746e06b631970933904ce9fbf0462919e6d8
Email: team@kikix.site


How to Buy

1. Download the Metamask extension and create an account: MetaMask.io

2. Connect MetaMask to the Uniswap, OKDEX, or DexView and acquire some $X
(Uniswap or OKDEX or Dexview.com can be used.)

If you want to Go Fast™ and use your mom ’s credit card, check out the Flooz widget below.

$X is a Kiki Meme

is u drippy ?!?